Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Evidently, there was an earthquake this morning on the Mexico-Guatemalan border according to INSIVUMEH (Instituto Nacional De Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meterologia E Hidrologia) - that name reminds me of when I answered the telephone with "Iowa State University Extension - Des Moines County," only more so). It was evidently felt in Guatemala City, although it didn't disturb my sleep. From the lack of response near where we are, it's obvious that I wasn't the only one who slept through it.

By the way, we could smell Fuego this morning. We had assumed that the burning smell came from the finca next door. Soon after we arrived they had been doing some burning, but we haven't seen any more burning for several weeks. The smells have continued on an on and off basis. Now we know, it's our friendly neighborhood volcano.