It's a great loss to the students, but, in reality, without a computer curriculum and teachers who can make use of them in creative ways, they might not have been of much use anyway. As a result of this first assignment, it appears that I should begin working on a computer skills curriculum that would enhance and extend learning in other areas. In the past, I've often noticed that the obvious answer to a question was not always the relevant answer. This may be one of those times.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It seems that I misunderstood what had happened to the missing computers at Melotto School in Chimaltenango. I understood that the former principal had been fired and the computers had disappeared and somehow put the two together and deduced that the former principal had made off with the computers. Now I learn that the former principal was an O.K. guy who held the job for 21 years. He seems to have been ousted in a power struggle with the diocese. I'm told that the diocese might even have picked up the missing computers for their own use. If the truth be told, no one knows what happened to them, only that they disappeared.