For the past twenty-five days that we've been in Guatemala, we have been in and around a very famous city that goes by a variety of names. Some people call it Antigua, which is actually incorrect and misleading. Antigua is an island that is part of a country in the Caribbean called Antigua and Barbuda.
It's more correct to call it La Antigua, which means "the old one," which is a reduction of it's full modern name, La Antigua de Guatemala, which means "the old Guatemala." Guatemala, of course, is the name of the current capital of Guatemala, often also called Guatemala City or La Ciudad de Guatemala.
The original Spanish name of the city of La Antigua is a bit more boastful. They called it "La Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad De Santiago De Los Caballeros De Guatemala" or "The Very Noble and Very Loyal City of Santiago of the Knights of Guatemala." I don't think I'll be using that one very often.