We were so tired from yesterday's activities, that we had a slow start this morning. We didn't make it down to the highway until around 9:00 a.m. It wasn't long before a chicken bus arrived, which fortunately wasn't over filled, and we were quickly in La Antigua. We had brought our laundry, as we were once again running out of things to wear.
Once in La Antigua, after dropping off our laundry, we decided to walk to Socorro School. It's all the way across town, but insures that we get sufficient exercise. We arrived to find that there was no school today. We never did figure out what the reason was, even though we were told. Nevertheless, we were able to get admitted to the library, where I began working with the library computer.
Digression: Child Aid works with Socorro School to improve their library and provide workshop for the indigenous young women (grades 10-12), who are studying to become teachers in their home villages. The library at Socorro was not very reader friendly. It even had a long counter with window slits to separate the readers from the reading material. Child Aid informed them that for their library assistance to continue, the counter had to go. On Wednesday, the director and two other nuns had held a spirited discussion, which we couldn't understand, concerning the counter. Today it was gone. The point goes to Child Aid.
Back to the story line: Let me rephrase that previous statement (before the digression). I began fighting with the library computer. It was almost as if everything I had done last Wednesday was for naught. Very strange. I had checked, but had found no trace of that evil "Deep Freeze" program that plagued me in the other lab.
Around 1:00 p.m., I finally had installed and started the Avast antivirus program. It was really, really slow. Since there wasn't much to do in the meantime, we decided to go to lunch at McDonalds. We intended to take a tuk-tuk, so I used my magic phrase three times, "a tuk, a tuk, my kingdom for a tuk-tuk." We finally saw one, but he didn't see us, so we walked...all the way across town. After we had eaten, we decided to walk back...all the way across town.
Back at the school, I discovered that the antivirus program wasn't performing too well. It had only completed 1% of the disk scan. I stopped it and decided to try running that Advanced SystemCare program. It hung on the spyware removal phase, so I changed over to the system diagnosis side. As I had expected, it looked like I hadn't done anything to the system the last time I ran it.
Around 2:00 p.m. we were getting frustrated. When the school director arrived to check on our progress, we tried to explain that I still hadn't managed to discover the problem. We finally decided to call it a day and left.
Once again, we looked for a tuk-tuk, but didn't see one. About two blocks from the school, we nabbed one and headed back to Pollo Campera for an ice cream and a potty break. Once that was finished, we headed over to the lavandaria to pick up our laundry and then proceeded to the pick-up point for our trip home.
It wasn't long before a bus for Alotenango pulled up and we boarded. Fortunately, it wasn't full to the gill slits. We were quickly dropped off across from our apartment. We're looking forward to a relaxed weekend.