After breakfast, Carl invited us to join him, Claire (his wife) and Patsy (a friend) on a trip to the mall in Chimaltenango. Having nothing better to do, while we waited for our laundry to get done, we readily accepted.
The purpose of the trip was to go to the Maxi-Bodegona (a better stocked grocery store) and look for a computer keyboard for Patsy's laptop. The built-in keyboard on her laptop was giving her problems and, being three years old, probably wasn't cost effective to repair.
The trip to Chimaltenango was uneventful. The only keyboard available in the mall was much too expensive, but the grocery store, to our surprise, had one much cheaper. After finishing our shopping, we returned to La Antigua for lunch.
After parking in La Antigua, we walked past the park in front of La Merced Church and noticed that the fountain was decorated with flowers.
Lunch was at Frida's, named after the artist and wife of Mexican artist, Diego Rivera, a Mexican cafe. According to Carl, they have the best nachos in La Antigua. While I'm not sure they are the best, however, they very well may be the biggest nacho plate. After our appetizer, we had other entrees, such as a tortilla soup or tacos.
After lunch, which was later than we usually eat, Carl drove Patsy home and then took us to get our laundry. We had intended on taking a chicken bus back to our apartment, but Carl graciously insisted on driving us home.
Dinner was scrambled eggs, followed by video conferencing and blogging.