We had expected to find three laptops to work on, not including Kristen's, but only one was there. It seems that the other two had not been available and, consequently, may not receive the attention of the computer shaman. I started by installing 2 GB of new memory in Kristen's laptop (it had only had 512 KB previously), which significantly improved its performance. I then ran MalwareBytes Anti-Malware program and removed some nasties that had been missed by Norton.
That done, I fired up the Child Aid laptop and discovered that the CMOS battery was evidently dead (later I discovered that Dell uses a rechargable type CMOS back-up battery and it was just discharged). Complicating things was the fact that it had sat in a closet unused for the past two years. After getting it booted up, I began running my program triad. While it was cranking away, Linda and I walked down to Pollo Campero for lunch on the patio, while Kristen worked on a class assignment for a course she's taking on-line. For the first time, we decided to eat our lunch on the outside covered patio, since it was warmer than in the restaurant. While waiting for our food, I saw an emergency exit that presented a contradiction.
Here's a close-up view.
When we returned to Kristen's after lunch, I continued to work on the laptop, but soon aborted the whole process when I realized that the laptop I was working on had an English-based operating system and would be used by a Spanish -only staff member. It makes more sense to wipe the hard drive and reinstall with Spanish-based software. Since I was dragging, we decided to haul it back to our apartment and do the work there. Once back at the apartment, I took a two-hour nap. Supper was homemade soup, once again, and bedtime was much earlier.