We found a chicken bus heading to Guate (shorthand for Guatemala City) and soon found ourselves leaving La Antigua. The trip from La Antigua to Guate is has a lot of curves that tend to bring out the worst in chicken bus drivers. I commented to Linda that it was like Disneyland's Space Mountain with the lights on.
In about 45 minutes we were at Hiper Paiz. There are several in Guate, but this is the closest one to La Antigua. The expats tell me that you can drive here and return to La Antigua without actually driving in Guatemala City.
Hiper Paiz is the WalMart Superstore of Guatemala. In fact, WalMart is part owner of the Hiper Paiz chain. This is probably why there aren't any actual WalMart stores in Guatemala.
On the inside, it looks much like any "big box" store you've ever seen.
After leaving Hiper (pronounced Aye-per), we walked across the highway on an elevated walkway to visit a shopping center. This is also the side of the highway where we will catch our return chicken bus to La Antiga.
Before long it was about 3:00 p.m., so we headed over to where the chicken buses load by the highway. We needed to get back to La Antigua around 4:15 p.m. to deliver a CD and a DVD of Linux distributions (complete operating system and programs) for children. I had promised John and Yesika that we would drop them off when they brought their young son into La Antigua for his gym class (some type of martial arts).
After dropping off the disks, we grabbed a quick supper at McDonalds and soon were on our way back to our apartment for the evening.