Afterwards, Linda did our laundry, while I tried to determine why Joan's printer wasn't printing. After some research, I became convinced that the reason it didn't print was that it didn't have any ink. You'd think that printer manufacturers would include a simple indicator to show that there wasn't any ink in the cartridge, but of course they don't.
About 11:00 a.m., we all decided to head to Panajachel. We started walking and soon hitched a ride with one of Joan's friends who was heading to Pana. Joan needed to drop off a large poster of her son (he died in a skate-boarding accident in California last year) that one of his friends had sent her. We waited with the tuk-tuk,
while Joan met with the man who would do the framing.
We also had lunch at a restaurant on the waterfront, stopped by a bookstore and the bank, picked up an inkjet cartridge and get some groceries. We returned to San Antonio Palopo in a pick-up truck with bench seats and a metal frame that dropped us off right at her gate.
After returning, Linda got the laundry in, while I worked on getting our laptop to work with Joan's Tigo dongle. This is a device that looks like a USB memory stick, but lets you connect to the Internet through the Tigo cellular phone network. It's not as fast as I would like, but is better than nothing. Of course, I'll need to wait until we get to Xela before I can upload my latest blogs with pictures.
These four days will be our Guatemalan vacation. We intend to just take it easy. We're not going to push ourselves, as there's plenty of time to do that when we get to Xela.
Here are some additional photos of the bed and breakfast we are staying at on the shore of Lake Atitlán. First, our bedroom's the one on the left
and here's an interior shot. The fellow in the mirror is a prowler.
Here's a view of a fisherman from the deck.
After supper tonight, we're going to hit the sack early and probably do some reading. I have no idea what we'll be doing tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, we'll give it some thought.