We soon were on a chicken bus heading to La Antigua. It was a strange ride compared to what we've experienced so many times before. The bus was not packed to capacity and the driver didn't drive like a wanna-be race car driver.
We got off the bus once it had reached La Antigua and began looking for a tuk-tuk to take us to Socorro School.
The trip to Socorro on the tuk-tuk was the typical bouncing experience thanks to the cobblestoned streets of La Antigua. Here's a short video I took to give you an idea of what it's like.
At Socorro, I virtualized (converted from CD to virtual CD) three CDs that accompanied recent reference books received by the library. They were an encyclopedic dictionary, a biographical encyclopedia and a world atlas. They can now be used on the library computer without the need for the physical CD. Of course, they are all in Spanish.
After leaving Socorro around noon, we walked down the street a short distance until we found a tuk-tuk for a bumpy ride to McDonalds for lunch. (Feel free to view the previous video of a tuk-tuk ride.)
Following lunch, we decided to visit a new bookstore that we had just discovered on one of the tourist maps that are given away in La Antigua. Unfortunately, we misread the map and walked much farther than we really needed. The unnecessary trip was not without interest, as we visited a part of La Antigua that we had not seen before, found a new church ruin (Santa Teresa) to add to our list,
located another neighborhood park with a fountain.
Fountains are big things here. It makes you wish you could of had the fountain concession many long years ago.
We also discovered a “supertienda” that was so organized that it put both the Bodegona and the Dispensa Familiar to shame. We finally found that bookstore and were most unimpressed.
As is often the case, we stopped by the Bodegona, Dispensa Familiar and the mercado to pick up needed items and then boarded a chicken bus heading for Alotenango right at the terminal. We've discovered that we can get better seating by being one of the first passengers on the bus. Of course, sometimes it's just easier to pick up a bus as it heads out of town.
Evening was frustrating, as our Internet service was (insert appropriate expletive here).